Monday, August 12, 2024

Sketches of Girls, Bees, n Things

 So, I was all over the place mind wise the past few days. The following is a hodge podge of random sketches in different media, all came out the end of my pen/markers with no reference photos, except for the bee butts. They were inspired by some photos on Pinterest.

My squiggle girls escaped from my Uni Pilot gel pen...

The tree grew out of my Zig Writers double ended marker...

This landscape came out of my black brush pen...

Also out of my black brush pen...

The bee butts are mixed media, including Ebony pencil, Zig, Tombow, and Copic markers, Prismacolor pencils, and a black Uni Pilot gel pen. A challenge, for sure, but fun to try! Bee butts are so cute!

She is also a mixed media experiment, using Copic, Tombow, and Zig markers, a Sanguine Pitt brush pen, and a black Uni Pilot gel pen. She is a character, for sure!

This a neurographic sketch with a Sanguine Pitt pen, filled in with Tombow markers, titled "Angel". I accidentally deleted the sketch before I colored it with the markers.

UPDATE:  The sanguine colored lines weren't showing up very well after I added color, so I went over them with a black Zig Writers Pen. I like it better!

This is a neurographic sketch that I did with a Zig marker a couple of weeks ago, and I went back and colored it in with Tombow and Posca markers today, after I colored the sketch above in. I'm thinking about adding some detail markings to both of them, but not brave enough yet...

That is my artistic production for the last few days, and I'm thankful to have had some creativity of any kind going on. I had not used the Tombow markers for years and figured they would be dried up, but they weren't. I am not fond of the brush pens, but I seem to have accumulated a lot of them from different sources.

I have not used a lot of my paints and mediums for a long time. I won't be surprised if I have to throw away and replace many of them when I do need to use them. Where does the time go? I'm retired, but the days seem to fly by, and I don't get near the creative stuff done that I want to. Blessed to be able to do what I do though, and I'm thankful!

I may not get anything created tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital in the next town, about twenty-five miles away, at 7:30 a.m. for a complete abdominal/liver scan. I don't dread the test, because I've had it before a couple of times. I do dread having to get up and out so early, and I pray they don't find anything wrong. My PA has also ordered a mammogram and bone density/hip and back x-rays. I was hoping they could schedule all three for the same day, but no such luck. 

I have been having a lot of trouble with my lower back and hip for years, but it's gotten worse lately. I also had some pains in my breasts for a few days. I don't know when I'll have those tests yet. Pray that all the tests come back ok! I'm nervous about them.

Anyway, that's it for now! Hope you are doing well and that your creative juices are flowing abundantly! Thanks for visiting! :)

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