Saturday, August 24, 2024

Fragments From This Past Week

This whole week has been somewhat fragmented, as well as my focus on art, but here is what I have produced so far. We had company two days, had to drive twenty-five miles to the next town to pick up a prescription (our 4th trip before we got all of our medicines) another day, then had to drive twenty miles in the other direction to another town for me to have three tests done at their medical center on a different day, after which, we drove another twelve miles to the Dragonfly Emporium just for one slice of their strawberry cheesecake, which we shared, and a cup of coffee. This was a special treat for us. We are both diabetic, so we don't do it often. It is soooo good though! We also got some cinnamon coated pecans, which are also good. Love that place! All kinds of goodies inside. The art has come in between...

I'm still watching youtube videos from different teachers with different techniques for the neuro or neurographic art and learning and experimenting with the lines and mindfulness. I love the heart one on the right! Very calming and soothing...

I did a bit of asemic writing and journaling after I got home from the tests, using my sanguine brush pen. Part of it is actual journaling and part is just mark making that resembles writing. Another great way to get feelings out.

Two squiggly girls with a dotted background. They look like they're about to have words, don't they? I was not in a good mood that day! 😊

This page is asemic writing using actual words in a stream of consciousness way after I got the test results for two of the three tests I had done. I unloaded my feelings (really upset), but didn't want anyone else to read it, so I filled the page, then added some mark making in places on top, then I drew a squiggle girl with her cat over that, all with a brush pen and India ink. Asemic writing is used a lot in mixed media, and there are many youtube videos out there if you're interested.

These four are all on the same page and were each completed in one sitting. I added color to the heart one, but not happy with it. I can always go back and change it. I did change the colors with coloered pencils. Still don't like it, but I like it better than before.

It's funny that I wanted a little bigger sketchbook this time than I had been using, but on some pages I've divided the page into two or four small drawings. These four are works in progress, using a technique that I learned from a different teacher's video than the one I have been using. I like the thinner, more squiggly, lines, plus I'm learning more about the practice that goes with the lines to heal and change things. That's a life tree in the top corner, and there's a whole explanation for it.

 This one is a whole page of squiggly lines with circles on top, and I didn't intentionally do the olympic rings. I also learned from one teacher that you're not supposed to use a template (I used the inside of a tape roll) to make the circles. It's better and more connected if you draw them freehand.

I couldn't sleep and got up early this morning and watched a couple of videos from Sara Wener on youtube, and I really liked them. For one, they were fairly short and easy to follow, so after I watched them, hubby was up, and I sketched from memory what I could remember. I'm going to re-watch them though and take notes about the symbolism, etc. These are also works in progress.

You are actually supposed to write down whatever you want to work on, a problem you're having, or something you want to change, and you're supposed to finish each one in one sitting, as you meditate on what you want to change. Adding color is also part of the process, which I haven't done much of yet. I'm still learning and trying to find my way to heal from some things that I need to change. There are some great youtube videos that explain the whole process if you want to give it a try.

I got the results back from two of the three tests that I took Thursday yesterday, and I knew one of them wasn't going to be good, but the other one surprised me. I have been using a cane for a while, because my hip and lower back has been getting worse when I stand or walk very far. The PA ordered a bone density test anyway, so I asked for hip/back x-rays. The results came back that I have osteoporosis and multi-level degenerative arthritis in my lumbar disc (lower back) bad and also in my hip. It is also beginning to affect my right hip, plus I have diabetes and am a polio survivor, so it's a little scary for me. So I'm getting meds for the osteoporosis and an appointment with a bone/joint doctor. Who knows what that will turn in to? I also had a mammogram, because I've been having some breast pain, but I haven't heard from it yet. Praying it comes back ok. Besides that, I need some dental work done...

 My mind has been all over the place, but I'm in a better place mentally than I was yesterday. I'm processing it and trying to leave it in God's hands. I've had a hard time praying the last few days, but I know He hears my heart and will work it out one way or another.

Anyway, that's it for this post, if you're still with me! Take care, keep making beautiful things and trying new things, and thanks for visiting!

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