Saturday, August 31, 2024

In Color Neuro Art

 I went back and colored a couple of neuro art pieces that I previously posted.

Posca marker lines colored in with beeswax crayons, with a layer of colored pencils over them...

Zig Writers double ended marker lines colored in with Kuretake watercolors...

I decided I preferred it to be horizontal, but it still looked too bright and opaque,

so I sprayed the whole thing with what I thought was plain water. It wasn't. It was water mixed with white vinegar that I had used to rust some paper. I let it set for a couple of seconds, then laid a paper towel over it and lightly pressed down and lifted, which made it more transparent and also gave it some texture. I still prefer it to be horizontal, but forgot to rotate it. I think I like it better!

I've also colored in a few more of the smaller pieces and drew a few more in a different type of lines in between other things going on this week.

It's been a busy week. Had company last Sunday and Tuesday, had to go to the local clinic for some blood work before going to a neighboring town to get a new prescription, groceries, etc., and ate out, rested Thursday. Finally heard from my mammogram Friday. It came back good, as did my blood work, thank the Lord. 

Our air conditioning went out again yesterday, but thankfully, hubby was able to fix it again. Way too hot to be without it! 

Today, Saturday, a friend came and brought materials for me to help her on a portion of a very large mural project on a retaining wall for her daughter's pool. Hubby and I both took a nap and ate grilled cheese sandwiches and fries for supper and called it a day, except for watching TV and me typing up this post.

That's how our holiday weekend is going, so far! Hope all of you who celebrate are having a safe and happy long weekend with family and friends doing whatever makes you happy! 

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