Saturday, July 13, 2024

Zen, Warmups, Studies, and Bloopers

 I was pretty productive for a few days since my last post until the last two days, and I haven't even sketched. At the beginning of the week something happened to my lower back across my hips, which I already have trouble with. One minute it was the same as usual and then I started to get up out of my recliner and it was so sore I could barely stand. I didn't do anything to it and still don't know what happened. It's better now, but still a bit touchy. 

Anyway I did some sketching despite all my aches and pains, which could always be worse!

I sketched this one with an Ebony pencil in the Canson mixed media sketchbook from a selfie photo I took a few years ago. 

I did a quick intuitive sketch with wax crayons to warmup and didn't leave room for the yellow girl. I don't usually do warmups, but decided to play some this day.

Same day, I did some warmup scribble sketching, also in the Winsor Newton sketchbook. I love doing these. I'm always surprised at the facial expressions that come out of my gel pen!

I worked on this Zen doodle a couple of days in the Winsor Newton sketchbook with a black zig writer pen and a black calligraphy brush pen. Relaxing for my mind and soul!

Another attempt at sketching from a selfie photo I took a year or two ago. There is a lot that is off about it, but I was trying to practice a different angle for the face and head tilt. I messed up the nose angle big time. I tried to fix it and wound up with the glasses frame sitting on top of the nose, so I put it back as it was for a couple of days. Ebony pencil in Canson sketchbook

The nose was still bothering me a lot, so I took a white Posca paint pen and my Ebony pencil and worked on it, the little indent under the nose, and the bottom lip a little more. I can now live with it, I think, but the one eye and the shirt collar are still bothering me. Trying to fix it was getting on my nerves, so I'm leaving it for now as it is. The paper doesn't erase very well and I've already sprayed a fixative on it. I may, or may not, try fixing it again at some point...

I sketched this one intuitively while watching TV one night. I was still trying to get the nose angle right like the previous sketch. I was using a Stablio marks all pencil and didn't notice that I had my hand down on her ear, which smudged it and lost the shape. It wouldn't erase and just smeared, so there it was. I also sketched some Zen doodle patterns that I found on Pinterest for reference. I didn't notice that I had the book upside down when I sketched her, so in the book she is standing on her head. Whoops!

The ear was driving me nuts, so, again, I used the Posca white paint pen and the Stablio pencil to try to fix it. It still looks weird, but at least it resembles an ear. This is what practice and sketchbooks are for! 

This is just a small sketch of an imaginary head where I'm still trying to get the nose angle halfway right. I think I used the Ebony pencil. I bought a box of these years ago and am still trying to use them up!

That's it for this time. Nothing creative for the last couple of days. Too many other things nagging at me for my mind to settle on something I have to concentrate on, although I guess writing and posting a blog is also a creative endeavor. 

I am considering stopping my blog posting. I enjoy it, but I don't think people follow and read regular blogs like this one too much anymore. Everyone has them on websites now, and I don't sell anything, so I don't need a website. I do plan on finishing out this year here, at least, then I'll see...

I truly appreciate the eight people who followed me over from my old blog site to this one, and all the people who visit here, even on a one-time basis. Thank you for your support.

Take care, stay well, and keep creating what makes you happy!

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