Saturday, July 6, 2024

Four More Character Sketches

 I'm still obsessed with sketching character studies. I think I'm slowly improving with each one. At least, I hope so. 

The first two are inspired by online photos and the last two by my own original personal photos, and I used an Ebony pencil for all four, but I went over the first one with a Stablio pencil. All are 7" x 10" on slightly textured mixed media sketchbook paper. 

I sketched this one from my own selfie, taken while I was waiting for hubby in the car and people watching. Not much of a resemblance to the old woman in the photo, but I learned from it.

This one is from an old photo of my maternal grandparents. Papa is actually in the photo with his arm around Granny at the fair, but I wanted just her for this sketch. I'm not brave enough to try a double sketch yet. They were really young, maybe in the 1920s. Not a great resemblance here either, but there is some if I lay them side by side. 

I did these four in the last three days, but I haven't done one today...yet. It takes me a while to do one, even though they are just sketches/studies, and by the time I stop my eyes are tired and I need a nap to rest them.

I have let the housework go until the house is a disaster waiting to happen, because I don't have the energy, or want to, to do near as much as I used to, and for as long as I can, I choose my art and creative stuff. Thankfully, hubby does the cooking and doesn't mind the unkempt house. 

Now, off to take a shower and wash my hair, which constitutes a hard workout these days!

 By the time I'm done, it'll be supper and TV time. We started a mini-series on Netflix, starring Rene Zellweger, called "What If", last night, and by the end of the first episode we were hooked. We got through half of the ten episodes by bedtime. Can't wait to see how it ends tonight!

Thankful for air conditioning, which keeps us from melting!

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