Monday, July 15, 2024

WIP Neurographic Art Tryouts n Tags

 So, I'm apparently taking a break from my character study sketches, because I haven't felt good for a few days, plus we've had company and other things to do. I got an email from Pinterest the other day with suggestions for Zen doodle patterns and also Neurographic art, so yesterday morning I checked it out, and it looked really interesting and meditative. It is!

I decided to give it a try in the Winsor Newton sketchbook. I didn't look up any directions on how to do it or anything. I just looked at a bunch of other peoples' drawings, then went for it!

All three of these are works in progress, although I got this far on all of them in one day, except the one with the face, and I've worked on it a bit this morning. I'm trying to decide if I want to leave them as they are, which I love, or add some watercolor. If you want to see how it should be done, look on Pinterest or Youtube for some amazing examples.

Meanwhile I'm letting the first two simmer while I finish filling in the third one, then we'll see if I'm brave enough to add color!

First one I tried-I used a calligraphy brush pen filled with India ink and squiggled simple lines all over the page, crisscrossing, circling, curving, etc. Then I filled in the intersecting corners, and it created this pattern.

Second one I tried- I got a little braver and squiggled even more lines and shapes and filled in intersecting corners and interesting line spaces, still using a brush pen.

Third one I've started so far- I was inspired by the face amongst the shapes that I saw on Pinterest, so I sketched a face, then really went wild with the squiggle marks around her, and am currently filling in shapes with a little larger brush pen filled with India ink. This is as addictive as Zen doodling and it's just as calming and meditative.

I finished her! Except I'm debating on giving her some dark red lips? If you look closely there is a face looking back at her. I'm titling this one, "Mirror".

I had an much older friend when I was a teenager that did this with his calligraphy writing, using different colors in the letter loops. Beautiful!

Okay, I rarely go in a store to shop anymore, because my back and hip give out on me so quickly, but I did go into Beales clothing store Thursday looking for a new cap. I didn't find one, but I did find five tops for twelve dollars or less each. I haven't bought any clothes in a while because we don't get out much except to the Dr., drugstore, or groceries.

Anyway, when I got home and tried them on, I discovered these wonderful tags on them, which I can, and will, use in my art journaling. I feel doubly blessed!

I know I got the one tag upside down, but it says ABOVE AND BEYOND.

Speaking of my journals, I just printed off a bunch of my artwork in small sizes for use in them, including one contact sheet of postage stamp sized ones. I'm also doing laundry in between, so I've been busy so far today, but now I'm kind of getting a headache, so I better rest my eyes and unload the washer and dryer.

Take care and watch for the opportunities and blessings!

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