Saturday, July 20, 2024

Painted Neuro Art n Character Studies

 I got brave enough to color in some of my neurographic sketches. I should have scanned them in black and white before I painted them, but I got carried away and forgot, but these are new sketches that I've done the last couple of days. These are all in the Winsor Newton sketchbook, in which the mixed media paper does buckle some if very much water is applied. 

Painted with Kuratake watercolors and white Uni Signa gel pen on a sketch with Zig Writers and Calligraphy Brush Pens. The brown shapes started out yellow, which was too bright, so I added a violet shade over them, which turned them brown, but it kind of works, so I left it.

These two character studies snuck in among the color. Both are from online photos. I was practicing the head tilts and features. They are both sketched in a black Pilot gel pen and the front one's hair is done with a Zig Writers pen. The black lady's face was mostly in the shade. Good practice with accessories too!

The second one I painted with a black calligraphy brush pen and Kuratake watercolors. It was originally horizontal, but I decided I liked it this way better, which accounts for my signature being down the side of the upper right corner.

This one gave me trouble, and I'm still not happy with it, but I'm moving on. I drew it in with the calligraphy brush pen and painted it in with Kuratake watercolors, but I hated the large shapes and solid boring colors, which didn't work well together. The pear shapes called for yellow, but the rest, I don't know what I was thinking. It was four-thirty a.m. after all. I tried scribbling in the black shapes with  a white Signa gel pen, which helped some, but not enough, so I got out my Posca paint pens and drew patterns with contrasting colors into the larger shapes. Hated it! I then used my water brush pen to re-wet the shapes, one at a time, to scrub off some of the Posca paint and dab off some paint with a paper towel. I like it better, but it's still needing something. Not loving it right now! But it is what it is for now...

Update: I took a yellow ochre colored pencil and added a layer of color to all the big shapes and still didn't like it, so I took my black Zig marker and covered up the red lines, which made it better, then I outlined all the shapes in black. Liked it better. Then I looked at Pinterest for some ideas and found a lot of circles used in neurographic art, so I used a tape roll and the Zig to add circles. I may have gone a little crazy with the circles, but I can now live with the piece. In fact, I may actually like it, and I'm glad I didn't give up on it!

I have learned that I prefer the more delicate lines of the first sketches I did over the more separated larger shapes made with the brush pen or larger marker. I prefer the shapes more connected, so I will aim for that when I do the next ones.

Doing these will certainly take your mind off of things for a while. I did watch a couple of the many videos on Youtube before I painted these, but I need to watch some more, I think. There are many different techniques for doing them, if you are interested. Look for Neurographic art.

I've been sitting here way too long, so I need to move around some. Also, I need a shower! Thanks for visiting and Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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