Friday, June 14, 2024

More Wax Crayon Play and Character Sketch

 It's been a good day, as I have played with my art all day! I did the wax crayon painting in my sketchbook right after I got up this morning, the character sketch soon after, typed up and printed a found word poem that I wrote a couple of days ago (still a wip), watched a class video on sketchbook play, worked a bit on a wip oil painting with oil pastels, and wrote and posted two blog posts. Fun stuff!

Imaginary vase with crayons and a bit of white Posca paint pen-Not real happy with it, but I was going to try using an iron over parchment paper to melt the wax (hoping for a dreamy effect) when I realized that I had put it on the back of the previous vase of flowers, which would also melt if it worked. So I will have to color another one on a single paper to try the iron.

I have a set of never used encaustic paints that I bought for a class I haven't taken yet that I could use, but I don't currently have room to set up to heat them for use. I will though at some point! I have played with melted beeswax before to layer over mixed media and enjoyed it. These crayons were bought for mark making in mixed media pieces, but I just want to play with them a bit with heat. Definitely going to get a mini craft iron!

I was inspired to sketch this character study from an online photo with a black gel pen, because it was handy. She turned out better than expected!

Anyway, that's been my creative adventure for today. Can't wait to see what I do next!

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