Sunday, February 11, 2024

Mini Junk Journal WIP Pages

Remember this mini junk journal that I posted about a few days ago? Well, I've been working on it some more! I added more different pages, and because the signature isn't stitched in, I had to replace the raffia tie, which wasn't long enough to tie in a knot to hold the signature in place, with a different tie. The pages were meant to be taken out to work on them if I wanted, then slipped back in, but they were sliding out when I didn't want them to, so there is currently a brown shoe lace holding them in place, but I may change that to a leather strip later. It's working for now though, and I haven't taken any pages out to work on yet, so it's all good!

I have started adding stuff to the pages, mostly experimenting with different things and techniques for practice. I've learned a lot from the junk journaling group and youtube videos. I've learned also that most of the journals are not entirely junk stuff that we throw away. All sorts of bought papers and embellishments are used, but I have seen a few that are entirely stuff that we ordinarily throw away. This one is a mix. 

The cover is from a postal box that I got something in (see previous post) and duck taped together. The pages for the one signature are from different scrap papers of different colors and textures. The papers added to the pages for pockets, journaling spots, bookmarks, tags, flip outs, etc. are some scrapbook papers, throw away papers, teabag pouches, food wrappers, clothing tags that I covered in scrapbook paper. The ones with holes punched in them will have embellishments tied through them. There is also some of my original art included. 

This is very much a work in progress, with a lot more "stuff" and mark making to be added! I will try to show more as I go along. I have several other projects going, so this may be a long one...

I think I enjoy gathering up stuff to use almost more than using it. Same with art supplies, but it's all fun stuff!

Thanks for visiting and looking!  

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