Friday, May 29, 2020

Chicken Skretches

I have no love for chickens, per se (see below), but I have been seeing some great artwork online of chickens that I do like, so I thought I'd give it a try! I found a wealth of photos for reference on Pinterest, picked up my gel pen and sketched a few. Not great, but okay for a first try, I think. They were actually pretty fun to sketch, and I may try some more!

Reasons I have no love for chickens:

1. When I was very small, in the fifties, my granny, who lived on a small farm, gave me a baby bantam chicken one day. We lived a short distance from her, and I carried it home in a paper sugar sack. It cheeped all night, so the next day I told her that it was lonesome and needed a buddy, so she gave me another one. The two babies rapidly grew into adults of the opposite sex, and seems like overnight I had a whole flock of banty chickens roosting in the little strip of trees between us and our neighbor. Too many chickens, too noisy, and too messy! They eventually died out or got caught by something. I never wanted another one!

2. I stayed with a neighbor for a while when mama first went to work at a factory, when I was ten, and one day we went to visit her husband's mother, who had chickens, turkeys, etc. One of the roosters chased me all the way around the house for some reason. Scared me a lot!

3. Also, when I was young, my other granny and I were visiting my aunt, who happened to be killing chickens to put in the freezer that day by wringing their heads off. The bodies kept flopping after the heads were off. I thought they were after me and got up on a little hill away from them. To this day, I get kind of nauseous when I see raw chicken.

4. We live in the country and always had one or more neighbors who had chickens that they didn't keep penned up, way up until I had been married for many years and had a home of my own in the neighborhood where I grew up. Whole flocks of them, and once also a flock of turkeys. No pens meant that they stayed in our yard a lot, emptying bird feeders in a matter of minutes, pooping all over everything, roosting in places that we didn't want them, and anything would set them off to screeching like they do. Like I said about the flock I had, too many, too noisy, and too messy!

5. I almost shot the neighbor lady with a pellet gun trying to scare her flock of turkeys out of my yard. I didn't see her behind a small tree watching them. I wasn't trying to hit them with the pellets. I just wanted them out of the yard. Besides, they looked like buzzards to me...

6. Once, while I was washing dishes at the kitchen sink, I let our little house dog out, not knowing the neighbors chickens were behind the house. In her excitement, the dog scared the chicken, it flew up, broke the kitchen window over the sink, landed in the dishwater, then in scrambling to get away, pooped all over my clean dishes and counter before I managed to get it herded out the door to freedom. I don't know which one of us was scared the worst. I called my mom and told her I'd had a break in. The neighbor said it was the dogs fault. Never mind her chickens were in MY yard and the dog was at home!

And those are some of the reasons I do not love chickens, dead or alive 😐... except in paintings!

Be safe, stay well, and keep creating!

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