Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Catching Up and Clearing Out Post Drafts!

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend! We did. Some scary stuff, but still a lot to be thankful for when we look back over the past year!

Some of the drafts in my post list go back three years. There are ten of them, and since the three weeks until Christmas will be very busy, my work room is still a mess where I can't find anything, and I probably won't get any of these projects finished soon, I'm going to go ahead and post them as the works in progress that they are, to clear out my old drafts and to include them in my end of year printed blog book.

I still don't have our road trip pictures labeled, and haven't taken the time to share any pictures yet, but I may yet get some shared by the end of the year. Who knows!

I feel badly for all of the unfinished projects and classes waiting patiently for me to return to them, but excited for all the new projects I'm starting and planning to start. When I die, I guess a lot of them will still be waiting, but that's ok. Maybe someone else will enjoy them in some way!

So the next few posts will be of projects that were started before this year, and which I will hopefully finish at some point!

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