Thursday, December 5, 2019

Studio/Dining Room Table

I know I said that the next few posts would be catching up my drafts, but I just thought I'd share the reason I can't use my workspace/dining room table right now, and am having to do whatever creative stuff I do in my lap in my recliner. The floor is also full of boxes of stuff. It was in bad shape before, but I pulled everything out to clean under and around last spring, and to re-organize. Believe it, or not, I've cleared this table at least twice, maybe three times, but it gets covered back up when I'm looking for something. Very frustrating, but apparently not enough to do anything about it. I am not lazy. I'd just rather be stitching, painting, or writing!

Maybe I'll finish the job in the spring if I'm still able! I'll be sure to post a photo when it's cleared off! 😊

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