This is the first pull on an altered book page, only one layer of paint...
and this is the 2nd/ghost pull on the facing page.
Torn out book page with a couple of layers printed on it. Hated it!
Printed over it in a different session!
Second/ghost print from the page above with a couple of layers added. Hated it too! Total mess!
Same page printed over in a different session! I will use these pages in a collage or something.
This is the first print on a mixed media page in my journal, one layer. I like it, but it needs something.
Same print, but I was using an old cd for a palette, and the paint was smooshed around on it at the end of a different session, so I stamped the cd on it. I like it better!
The second/ghost pull of the same print as above, still in the mm journal. I can add details or another layer , or I can collage with it.
The third/ghost pull from the print above. I can see all sorts of possibilities for this one!
The fourth/ghost print from the one above , with a roll of the paint left on my roller applied vertically. I like the print before the vertical stripe better, but it has possibilities.
This is a sheet of plain paper that I cleaned my roller off on. I like it a lot! Hubby says it looks like a man drinking from a bottle of wine, wearing a suit, with a duck in his sleeve, and you know what? It does! With a little imagination! 😊
Imagination is a powerful tool! Use it often!
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