Thursday, January 18, 2018

PYH&S 2018-Class 2-Anatomy Lesson

This painting is inspired by Leslie Wood's class on anatomy, using a limited palette, in the Paint Your Heart and Soul 2018 course (link on sidebar). I didn't paint her example, but used a magazine image for reference. I also forgot some of the things she did in her demo, like using a brayer for the background (I used my finger!). I did use a limited palette of acrylic paints, consisting of black, white, raw umber, yellow ochre, and parchment, in a mixed media sketchbook, instead of on a harder substrate.

Black, Raw Umber, and Yellow Ochre squeezed onto paper, prepped with white gesso, and smushed around with finger

The light is glaring on the brownish black background. Sorry! I forgot about lifting the paint to make stars until the paint had dried, so I dropped some orange citra solve around on the background, waited a minute, then lifted it up. A little big for stars, but the splotches added some interest, I think.

The image I used as a reference for sketching onto my background with a white stabilo pencil. Hopefully, I won't get into trouble, as I don't sell my art, and this is just for practice and learning!

I rather like this just like it is!

However, I persevered and added paint, losing some of the lines.


After re-working her face, tweaking some more, and adding several more layers of paint, this is where I'm calling her finished. There is more color than is showing up in her dress, and, again, the light glared on the blackish background. 

 I played around with a couple of filters in photo editing. This is a warmer filter version,

and a cooler filter version. I love this pinkish version!

She could be better, but I learned a lot from Leslie. I picked a complicated pose, but I stuck with it, and I'm kind of proud of how she turned out. I even like her expression now. So I'm calling her done, filing her away for future reference, and moving on to Lesson 3, which is working with digital apps. Looking forward to it!

I'm also still trying to catch up on a lot of other stuff, plus keep up with my posting! I need a secretary! :D

It's all good though! Keep those creative juices flowing, and have fun!

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