Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blog Post Book 2017

I got my book of year long blog posts from 2017 in! I was distracted when I put it together and ordered it from Blog to Print online, and I messed a few things up, like putting the wrong year on the cover, but it's ok. It's just my way of keeping a record of my creative stuff, mostly art, and I don't sell them or anything.

I'm tickled to death with the way the pictures turned out, but because I chose the large option for them, the page formats were changed and a lot of the paragraphs don't have spaces between them. I'll have to pay more attention next year, I guess.

Anyway, I've been ordering two copies each year, one for me, and one for my mom, but since she's no longer with us this year, I'm giving her copy to her baby sister, Lela, also one of my favorite aunts. She's missing her too, and I love her dearly. Hoping she enjoys it!

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