Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday Prints

My father-in-law and my mom had Dr. appointments out of town Tuesday and Wednesday, so I didn't have much time to play before we left. I did cut out some simple shapes from card stock to experiment with on rice paper and my 5"x7" gelli plate.

These two first layers are all I had time for Tuesday morning, as I spent part of my time cutting the shapes out. There will be more layers...

I had a little more time Wednesday morning before taking mom to the Dr., and I made these prints, some with multiple layers, some ghost prints. The white shapes will eventually be filled in with something...

This one is my favorite of this batch. I finger painted it on to the plate, then printed it.

Once I get started, it's very hard to stop, but I usually get interrupted and have to. It's very addictive!

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