Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Days 1, 2, 3 Sketches 2025 March

 I'm still trying to keep up a sketch a day, besides my stitch meditations, and postings. These are the first three sketches for March, even though I mistakenly wrote February on the first page. My eyes are very much needing a rest, so this post will be short, I think.

#1-Three balls of Perle cotton thread stacked up, ivory, gold, and reddish brown. I added the two needles later. Zig Writer marker

#2-My beloved dog (Kibbles') water bowl. It is heavy crock like glass, glazed off white, with rose/floral bouquets around it, and on one side the word Dog is written on it. A while after she died in 1997 I happened upon these deep red, almost burgundy, wooden apples at a flea market, which found a home in the bowl and they sit on a shelf between our living room and kitchen. Zig Writer pen

#3-This is a little glass cocker spaniel planter that my mom had ever since I can remember, over seventy years. I brought it to my home a couple of days ago. It's brown and white, with a jade green collar. She used to keep cattail cactus in it. Now it has three marbles, two nails, a screw, a tiny cork, a bb, and a couple of dried rubber bands in it, picked up and placed there by here, no doubt. It was on a kitchen shelf by the sink.

So that's it for now! Getting off the computer now! My eyes are about done in and need a rest, so take care and be kind!

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