Tuesday, March 4, 2025

100 Days of Stitch Meditations #7, 8, 9/100

 I'm still stitching one a day, but I got behind on the posting! Here are the ones for the last three days. I haven't done today's yet...

#7/100--This one has a background from an old mint green textured cloth table napkin and a strip of heavy lace from a new bra that was gifted to me, but didn't fit. Perle cotton thread

#8/100-The background is a fabric with print on it, the flower from a vintage handkerchief that I've had since I was a child, and the pink scrap is from one of my favorite blouses. Perle cotton thread

#9/100-The background, the roses, and the yellow floral scraps are leftovers from fat quarter projects,  the back scrap is a newsprint fabric with a tea dyed and stamped cotton scrap on top, words are from fabric with print words on it, and the biggest scrap is a piece of rust dyed cheese cloth. The pink stitches are embroidery thread and the gold ones are Perle cotton.

I finally got around to going through two big plastic boxes of my mom's sewing stuff yesterday. She died in 2017. One is full of all kind of fabric, scraps, and cut out projects that she was planning to do at some point. The other box is full of chair covers and curtains, all pressed and neatly folded, some look brand new. I can't keep all of it. I'm old too now and needing to get rid of a lot of stuff of my own. I don't have any siblings or children to take it, so I will donate what is still good that I won't use and keep what I think I might use. 

It's very hard to go through your parents things. I have all of her jewelry and linens and papers with me, but I'm still periodically sorting through things still in the home where I grew up. So many memories rise up, and so much sadness. I miss them so very much.

Anyway, I'm getting myself depressed, it's coming up a storm, and I need to do one more post and my therapy before I do today's stitches and sketch. Never a dull minute!

Take care and do something fun for yourself every day!

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