Wednesday, February 26, 2025

100 Days of Stitch Meditations Challenge-#3/100


 The background and the blue/purple are scraps from fat quarter fabrics, the striped piece is from an old shirt of mine, with a piece of newspaper print fabric and a stamped piece of old cotton fabric. Perle cotton gold thread.

Now I have two more pinned together to stitch on, then I get to put some more pieces together! Exciting stuff!

Not sure how I'll keep the stitching, sketching, and posting going, but I'm going to give it a try! I know I can't post every day, as much as I would love to. That takes more time than the sketching and stitching! 😁 But I will keep trying to post at least once a week!

I just ironed a small stack of new fabric fat quarters that I had washed to soften up. Can't wait to incorporate them with my used clothing scraps! 

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