Monday, July 1, 2024

Found Words Poetry

 It's been a long time since I wrote any found words poetry, although I really enjoy it. I have done them by cutting out words or phrases from magazines or books, but I also love to use my MP3 player music by jotting down random words that jump out at me while listening to my favorite songs. In this case, I did that while sitting in the car listening to an oldies radio station while hubby was in the grocery store. 

The list on the left in my sketchbook marinated for some time. Then a few days ago I was again sitting in the car waiting on hubby, and the words started coming together for me, right page. The list forms the base words, which I add to, or take from, to form phrases and lines. I wound up with the poem below, which I like very much! Fun stuff!


Sharon Prater-Pope

(Found Word Poetry 6-2024)

Walking through the dismembered days,

Beginning to understand the flaming truth

Beyond the ancient moon and stormy weather,

My heart breaks down memories with velvet gloves.

Foolish emotions go spinning,

And I hear lost voices and am afraid.

Then I feel magic eyes on me,

As true mercy falls upon my self worth, 

And I reminisce,

Both crying and laughing in the lonely night.

The rain soothes my soul.

I stop the game and, once again,

Believe in lovely flowers, constellations, music, desire, and heaven.

I don't always really get the meaning of these poems when I write them, but later on, when I look back on them, I can see a reflection of what I was going through at the time and what I was feeling, which is pretty amazing.

If you'd like to read more of my found poetry, I have another blog called "Scribbles From Rabbit Hop" (see sidebar for link), which I haven't posted to in a long time, but it has quite a bit of my poetry and writing on it. 

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