Friday, June 7, 2024

A Couple of Sketches n Wax Crayon Play

 A couple more character sketches from online photos that I did this week (ordinary women, not models), a quote, an ephemera hack, color swatches, and some crayon play!

I thought I got this lady's eyes wonky, but I didn't. Her eyes are where they're supposed to be, but I got her nose and mouth slanted the wrong way. Sometimes I think I have dyslexia for drawing. I often draw things opposite to what I'm looking at. :( She taught me some things though, so she's ok!

Random journal page with an ephemera hack, a quote, and color swatches from a box of Faber Castell Jumbo Wax Crayons that I uncovered among my supplies a couple of days ago. I had completely forgotten about them! Anyway I decided to play with them in my journal a bit!

No idea why I made her hair so thick and square at the top, and I didn't notice it until just now. Oh, well, I was just playing and experimenting. Funny how the mistakes don't show up until you post them online, and then they JUMP out at you! :o

Just random mark making with the crayons. I got the bright idea that since they were wax crayons I could melt them with the heat gun after I finished, to give it a softness, and I tried, but it didn't work, so it's an accidental abstract, I guess. You learn from your mistakes and failures what doesn't work and what not to do the next time!

It's been kind of sad for me this week. My mama died unexpectedly seven years ago yesterday, the 6th, and I still miss her so much and always will. We did everything together, and she left a huge gap in my life. I knew I would really miss my parents if something happened to them, but I couldn't begin to imagine how much. The world is a much lonelier scarier place without them. I was blessed with good ones, and I am grateful.

PS: The version of this abstract above was too dull and pale to suit me, so I re-worked it this morning! Tuesday (6-11-24) I like it much better!

Try some experimental play with whatever you love to create. You never know what will come out of it, and it's good for your soul!

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