Sunday, April 14, 2024

Zendoodle Puppy

 I did some more zendoodling this week trying to do my little Pekingese, Kibbles. I found many examples of dogs on Pinterest, but only one Pekingese, and I didn't like it, so, once again, I did my own thing and tried to figure it out as I went. I used a Zig double ended marker in my mixed media sketchbook.

This one was a practice run. I didn't do too good a base drawing, so the patterns are kind of wonky. I was pretty happy with this one until I did the second one.

I think I did some better on this second one. It's still a bit wonky, but I like it. Maybe the third time will be the charm and be really good! :)

Zendoodles are fun and so relaxing, if only my eyes would cooperate. Thankful I can eve see though! I'm thinking I may have to order one of those around the neck magnifying glasses until I get my cataracts off at some point. Or maybe I need to draw something less tedious...

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