Friday, September 1, 2023

August Sketches

 I can't believe it's already Labor Day again! I am still shut down creatively, so I only did five sketches in August, all from my imagination, and all in mechanical pencil except one in gel pen. Just trying to keep in practice a bit. First post in September, and hopefully not the last!

I haven't been creating or cleaning, but I did start and finish three books on my Kindle Fire last week. I have several books started that haven't been finished yet, but I started reading the sample on Amazon Kindle books and was hooked with the first page on "The Dead End Girl" by L. T. Vargus and Tim McBain, the first in a series of Violet Darger mysteries. Then I read the novella sequel to that book, then another in the series, "The Girl in the Sand". They are murder mysteries that are pretty graphic and sometimes a little disturbing, but I found them very well written page turners. They can also be read out of order, which I'm doing, picking out the ones that seem the most interesting plot wise. I've also started "The Simple Abundance Workbook" by Sarah Ban Breathnach, having read her first two Simple Abundance books several years ago, the first one twice. I had forgotten how much I enjoy reading!

So, now I'm about five months behind on the memory book gifted to me by our niece for Christmas last year. My heart isn't really in it. It was only good for a year, at the end of which I get a book of my stories and memories. I actually do better with just writing my memories like stories, rather than answering questions, plus I want to add pictures, another big task, because I'll have to hunt them out, scan them, and re-size them before adding them to the memories. It's a bit overwhelming, but I hate to disappoint my niece, who has so enjoyed the memories I have shared, so we'll see if I get caught up in time. 

Covid is spreading again sadly. We are undecided as to whether to take the new vaccine booster or not. Scary either way at our age!

Maybe September will unlock my creative juices again, but right now I'm enjoying reading actual books again, and that's good for my brain and well being too!

Thank you for visiting! Stay safe and well, and keep making stuff! It's good for ya! 

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