Saturday, January 7, 2023

More Large Bows on Women and A New Writing Project

Sketches from the last two days, also inspired by vintage Pinterest photos. I've never been fond of drawing, but I'm loving sketching these, and it's great practice! 

#2 pencil on textured paper

Vine Charcoal on textured paper

There's always some little nit-picky thing that could be changed, and, as some old master said, and I'm paraphrasing, "We never actually finish a piece. We just find an interesting place to stop." I agree with him. These aren't meant to be finished anyway. I'm just enjoying the process of using my sketchbook!

The same is true of writing, and I finally answered the first prompt for my memory book yesterday, and emailed it to Storyworth and our niece this morning. She gifted me a one year subscription, which, if I keep it up, will yield a book of my memories at the end of the year.

The first prompt was, "Sharon, Are you still friends with the friends you had in high school? How have they changed since them?" 

It's been a long time since I wrote anything other than a blog post, and I had trouble getting into the writing mindset. I'm very rusty and have forgotten a lot, but during the process it started coming back to me, so I gave it a try. Hopefully, it makes sense and that I stopped at an interesting place!

I typed it, then every time I re-read it I see something that needs changing, or something I think of to add, right up to when I finally just stopped and emailed it. I'm still not sure I'm done with it. Since it can be edited on the site, I'm thinking I might add some photos. And I'm still debating on whether I want to share it on my writing blog, or not. We'll see...

So I've got a writing project going on now, alongside my sketching, painting, journal classes,  my little paper clay bunny person still needs hands, and his friends need painting. Meanwhile the dust in the house continues to pile up and I continue to feel guilty about it.

Anyway, I hope your creative juices are flowing in whatever outlet you have, and that you're enjoying creating things to the max! Be safe and well!

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