Monday, December 30, 2019

Last Two Paintings of the Year!

So today I finished both these 6" x 6" watercolors , adding some detail with white and black gel pens. They are more like small studies of landscapes that I painted from memory, inspired by our road trip back in September. I used Kuretake Sumi watercolors with a water brush pen on a Grumbacher 140 lb watercolor pad.

They are the last two paintings of the year, and since I've posted them, I see some things that could be added, but, for now, they are what they are. Studies from memory.

I enjoyed painting them in a relaxed and playful way. One of the most important things I've learned is that it doesn't have to be perfect for me to enjoy doing it and sharing it. Being afraid I couldn't do things perfectly kept me from even trying a lot of things. I now just relax and try not to worry about perfection and doing it "right", and it's much more fun and feeds my soul much better.

I try not to be just sloppy, but I just do it with abandon. The best times are when I can create without really thinking about it, and just zone out! If it turns out ok, great! If not, I learned from it and that's the important part. I enjoy the process and the doing, while creating, more than the outcome, which probably accounts, in part, for all the works in progress I have laying around! 😏

Looking forward to seeing what I can create in the new year!

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