Wednesday, December 11, 2019

20th Stitch Meditation-Hat With Flowers

When I clean out closets and drawers, I often tear pieces of fabric from the patterns and colors I like, along with buttons and trim, which I recycle into various creative projects. Right now, I'm into small stitch meditations and watercolor paintings, both tremendously satisfying!

I finished this piece this week, using mostly cotton scraps from daddy's pjs, my old Richard Simmons exercise shirt, my linen like jacket, fat quarter orange, mama's varigated yellow/orange crochet thread, and my blue embroidery thread (all 6 strands) to make this little fabric collage up, with a lot of happy stitching!

I've had several comments on other social media about this piece reminding them of Van Gogh, which is really a compliment, however, I didn't intentionally try to make it look like that. I see it now though!

It's so fun at the end of a session to see what has evolved while I was focusing on the stitching, and not perfection! I love the wonkiness of it! 😊

I love how the towel I had on the chair arm matches the piece before cropping too!

I'm still going to catch up old drafts before the end of the year, but they will be interspersed with any new posts of pieces completed between now and then, as I have time. I currently have two small watercolor landscapes almost done, and am about to start stitching a new meditation!

No way have I even started preparing for Christmas! Cards, gifts, decorating. Nada! Yikes! Gotta get that ball rolling too! Too much to try to keep up with anymore at my age and want to, but I will give it what I have! 😁

Thankful it's Jesus' birthday, and I look forward to seeing family that we don't see often though. You never know when it will be the last time you get to spend Christmas with them, so enjoy them while you can!

I am on Instagram as rabbithop3432 if you would like to follow me there!

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