Tuesday, December 3, 2019

19th Stitch Meditation-Elephant and Moth

I finished this little 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" piece yesterday in one sitting of about an hour and a half, using scraps of fabric and lace with off white crochet thread and yellow variegated crochet thread. The outside white border is a paper towel that it was laying on.

The lace and the herbal tea dyed cotton with the stamped elephant came from a bed skirt found at Goodwill a while back. The little red strip is from one of my discarded blouses and the moth is a glass blob embellishment that just seemed to belong in that spot, so I captured him with thread! The threads are inherited from my mom's stash.

I was trying to learn the Pekingese (Chinese) stitch around the elephant, but I botched it at the beginning. I stayed with the rule of not taking out any stitches and kept going though. Not sure this is the way the stitches are "supposed" to look, but I like they way they turned out!

Anyway, it was a fun piece to do, and I'm happy with it, so into the stack it goes with the previous 18!

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