Friday, April 5, 2019

Purging Continues...

De-cluttering and organization of my studio is still in progress, although I got interrupted and it stalled for a few days, then I got started doing the same in our bedroom and some in the kitchen, in between Dr., dentist, Optometrist, beauty shop, and lawyer visits. I have sorted a little more in the studio since the last post, but it is still a mess in progress. Sorry, no pix!

Well, I did get new glasses and a too short hair cut! Concentrating on the selfie! Still terrible at it!

Needless to say, any artwork is also on hiatus, as everything is in boxes waiting to be sorted and put in specific places. Not participating in art classes/groups for now either! I am having art withdrawals, but am determined to do as much purging/cleaning in the whole house as I can.

I am so proud of myself for what I have gotten rid of, by either taking it to the dump or donation place. It's a slow go, since I have chronic health problems and tire easily, but I'm so thankful for what I have been able to do, and hopefully, I will be able to clean out and up every room. Also, on the lookout for new curtains for every room, and I have paint for the main bathroom, as soon as hubby gets the new floor down!

Today was spent in our bedroom again, and I made a dent finally that could be seen. The house is nothing like Hoarders on TV, but due to illness and care giving of our parents, it had to be put on hold for several years. Stuff kept coming in, but not much going out.

 I have felt like I was suffocating, and have been embarrassed for visitors to come for a while now, so it is exhilarating to see empty clean spaces appearing, albeit exhausting.

Part of the clutter is stuff that I thought was important and/or wanted from my parents house after my mom died, so I still have that to go through and also a couple of rooms in her house to still sort through. Although her house is bothering me, I have elected, right now, to concentrate on the house we live in, which is getting increasingly dangerous for hubby and me. We are getting up in years, and there is danger of tripping and falling over the clutter, not to mention if it caught fire.

I am trying to be ruthless and get rid of stuff that we've held on to for various reasons, even if we didn't like or want it, and I'm forcing myself to stay out of the garbage bags already filled up and set to travel, lest I drag stuff out and put it back, which I  have been prone to do in the past.

We are not going to be here many more years, not even promised the next minute, and we need to get things in order while we can. Besides, we don't have any children, and I hate to think about anyone else having to go through everything and talking about us, which will probably happen anyway.

Anyway, I accomplished a lot today, so I may be down tomorrow, but for today, I am thankful and proud! Now I need a hot shower and some supper!

Have an awesome weekend!

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