Thursday, January 10, 2019

2018 Blog Book

The book of my blog posts for the past year, printed by Blog2Print online, came yesterday!

 I am well pleased with it. The pictures of my art are a little small, but most of them still look good. I had to use the medium picture size, because I couldn't afford the large size. I discovered that I can do all the pictures here on the blog at the large size and they will also be bigger in the book, so I can still have them printed at medium size, but they will still be bigger and show up better . Yay!



Sorry about the picture quality! My eyes are giving me problems (dry eyes and cataracts) and I was shaky. I'm going to set up a more stable place to take photos soon. Hopefully they will be better!

I have one of these for each year I've been posting to a blog. I've always ordered two and given one to my mom, until last year. She passed away in 2017, so I gave the one that would have been hers to her baby sister, my Aunt Lela, who is the only one of the siblings left now. This year I only had one printed for myself, as a record of my art adventures from the past year. It felt odd.

Anyway, I hope I can print one every year that I publish a blog. We have no children, but maybe someone will want them to remember me by. 

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