Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Things to Organize my Stash!

So, I made a start at decluttering and organizing my creative space, or I should say spaces, before Christmas. It came to a stand still during the holidays, which I'm still trying to get over.

My plan was to clear all the piles covering every flat space into boxes and baskets, move and clean under the furniture, rearrange it, then sort and organize my stash as I took it back out of the boxes and baskets. That's not working too well. I can't find anything I need to work with in the TINY little spot I reserved to make art! Everything is out of place and on the bottom. YIKES!!! So I'm going to have to come up with a better plan, because I NEED to create.

My work space is also our small dining room, and it's embarrassing when people share a meal with us and have to hold it on their laps, picnic style. Hubby and I never use the table, preferring to eat in front of the TV.

Anyway, our awesome nieces, seeing that I was at least making an attempt, got me this rolling cart of ten drawers and a set of nesting books/boxes to help me get organized. Aren't they kool?

Now let's see if I can fill them up, or will they be sitting next to all the other containers/baskets/drawers that I have had for a few years, sitting empty, taking up space, and waiting to be filled with my stash? Time will tell! In any case, they are beautiful to look at. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

peggy gatto said...

Happy new space!!!!!!!