Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Couple of Quick Sketches- Gel Pen

Just a couple of sketches I did while resting a few minutes; gel pen in mixed media sketchbook/journal.

A quick sketch of my paternal grandma's house, which she lived in the majority of my life. Many happy times spent there with all my cousins. She raised eleven children to be grown and have children of their own. I was very blessed to be with her so much when growing up and beyond. I sketched from memory, so, of course, everything is not included. For instance, her wringer washer sat in the porch corner and I couldn't remember how the house top fit together. But that's ok! Good memories don't have to be perfect! :)

On this one, I had a few minutes alone, so I paused the TV on an old black and white movie scene, starring Marlene Dietrich, and did a quick sketch. Doesn't exactly look like Dietrich, but I didn't expect it to. Just practice!

They say "practice makes perfect", but I'm not convinced yet. I've been practicing for over forty years, and I still can't see anything NEAR perfection! :D

Keep on keeping on and you'll get there eventually!

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