Saturday, December 31, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 Self Portrait Photo

After lying in bed a couple of mornings ago looking across the floor to the remnants of Christmas at our house, coupled with other "stuff" that has piled up on me, and needs desperately to be put away, I turned on the lamp and sat up on the edge of the bed to put my fuzzy sox on. When I straightened up, my eyes caught on my image in the closet door mirror, just beyond the chaotic mess staring back at me. My camera happened to be on the beside table, so I picked it up and snapped a photo of the clutter, including me (my mind is so cluttered I can barely think anymore). They say that your outside environment matches the condition your mental, spiritual, and physical body are in on the inside. That may very well be true. If it is, then Lord help me, because I'm in trouble! My house could be on Hoarders! 😲

Anyway, today is New Year's Eve, and this is my last post of the year. So HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017, and I pray that whoever reads this is blessed beyond measure in the coming year. May we all have a wonderful and CREATIVE year, no matter what our passions are, and may I get the energy from somewhere to clean up our house!

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