Sunday, December 21, 2014

First Christmas Gift

Look what I got from my Aunt Lela in with a Christmas card! My first gift this Christmas! I love it!

It's a handmade tea towel using drawn work, like my Granny used to do. I have a couple of scarves, and I had a set of pillow cases, which I completely wore out, that Granny made and gave me when I was young. I saved the drawn work off the pillow cases for a keepsake.

Here it is against a dark background, so you can see it better. I haven't learned to do this...yet, but I love it, and I will treasure it always.

My parents, aunts, and grandmothers were all talented at different things, and I have many beautiful handmade items from them that I treasure. Having them teach me different arts is also something that I will always treasure. I wish I  had children to leave them to, but maybe someone will get them after I'm gone that will treasure them as much as I do.

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