Friday, February 21, 2025

Day 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Sketches 2025 Feb

 It's been freezing with some snow here this week, and I have literally gotten nothing productive done except a sketch a day and my physical therapy exercises done most days. 

At least, I didn't have to go to a doctor this week, but I should have gone to the bone doctor for a steroid shot. It's been over five months and my hip has really bothered me this week, despite the exercises. I still can't stand or walk but a few minutes without soreness and pain.

I did, however, get in at least one sketch every day. So far, I haven't missed a day this month. Yay!

Day 15: the small white trash can in our tiny master bath room, where we can literally sit on the commode, put our feet in the shower, and our hands in the lavatory, but I'm so thankful for two bathrooms, especially as we've gotten old. 

There's no room for anything else, so the trash can also serves as a holder for extra toilet paper, Lysol spray/wipes, and reading materials. Zig Writer pen lightly colored with colored pencils.

Day 16: Just one of my fun squiggle girls popped out of my head! Zig Writer

Day 17: a trio of small hummingbird feeders that hubby bought at the Dollar Tree sitting atop the electric heater and another squiggle girl escaped my head! Zig Writer and colored pencils

Day 18: an exercise from the book "Desire to Inspire" that I shared in a previous post-You make a chart of twenty squares and put a writing prompt in each square with  adjectives about yourself. Then you cut them apart, turn them face down, and pick one. You then write a letter to the little girl inside you describing how that word applied to you when you were a child.

I messed this one up, because I wrote "I AM" in each square. I THEN checked the book to make sure I had it right. I didn't. It should have been "YOU ARE". So I made another chart (below), then I filled in one, or more, prompts in the squares on both charts.

The pink post it note got included on this chart. It has the exercise instructions on it! The author put watercolor swatches across the squares for some added color. I haven't done that...yet!

I will have to make copies of these to cut up, because I have sketches on the backs of these  that I don't want to ruin. Zig Writer pens, India ink brush pen, Tombow watercolor marker

If you enjoy writing, this book has a lot of good writing prompts in it.

Day 19: I have a small bear collection, and this is my Ballerina bear. I bought her many years ago. She is articulated and has on a pink tutu, head piece, and ballet shoes. I failed to leave room for the feet, again. She has soft brown, short napped fur. Love her! Mechanical pencil lightly colored with colored pencils

Day 20: A second sketch of the same bear...Mechanical pencil and colored pencils

Day 21 (today): Sketches three and four of the same bear. Zig Writer lightly colored in color pencils

She got tired of posing, so I put her back on the shelf and brought in a different bear to sketch tomorrow.

Wednesday, the 19th, was my dad's birthday, so I missed him extra that day. He died in 2004, and I miss him every day, but some days are harder than others. I was a "daddy's girl" and an only child, and we were very close. My mom followed him in 2017. The world has been a much scarier and lonelier place without them.

So, I've been wanting to do some more stitch meditations for a while now, and I noticed that Liz Kettle (where I learned) is hosting "100 days of stitch meditation" beginning February 23rd on Facebook and Instagram. I'm thinking I may just join them! Maybe I can manage a sketch and a stitch meditation a day. I need to keep my hands busy while watching TV at night to keep from snacking after supper. My blood sugar is up and the doctor is threatening to raise, or change, my medication. Yikes!

Anyway, I hope you are all getting in some creative/fun time in for yourselves, and if you're in this deep freeze in the USA, I hope you are in cozy and toasty warm!

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