100 Days of Stitch Meditations
This one is a 4"x4" background of newsprint fabric, with pink and red scraps from old blouses, a tea dyed and stamped cotton scrap, an orange dotted scrap from a fat quarter piece, and a cat cut from an old ironing board cover. The words are cut from a cotton fabric with words printed on it. Perle cotton threads.
I have started this, but I don't know how long I will be able to keep up. My eyes are really bothering me today. I'm still not seeing too well, especially from my left eye, which has the bleeding blood vessel in it hampering my vision in that eye. I'm due to get another shot in my eye March 13th. I think the first one has helped some. Doc said it might take a few shots, spaced out, to clear it up. I'd rather do that than have surgery anyday.
I was tempted to skip my sketch for today, but then I thought about it being the last day of February, and if I do one today I won't have missed a single day for this month, so I will do that at some point, in between, bed stripping, laundry, and therapy!
Never a dull moment on Rabbit Hop! Beautiful cold day with tons of stuff that needs doing!
Make time for the things you love!
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