Friday, January 24, 2025

Day 19, 20, 21, and 22 Sketches and a Book

 I can't call myself doing the thirty day sketching challenge, because I've missed a few days, and I'm sure I'll miss some more, but here are my efforts for this week so far.

This one was a neurographic art attempt done in India ink brush pen, then the next day colored in with Kuretake watercolors, and the third day I sprayed water droplets on it and lifted some of the paint, because I tend to paint watercolors too thick, the added some paint spatters. It turned into a mixed media piece. I like it!

This one was a watercolor sketch background one day, then I added the umbrella and cat with a Zig Writer marker, and the pink and waves with Posca paint pens, plus a few paint spatters the next day. 

Just a quick sketch of some boxes on the floor using my sanguine colored brush pen. I love the sanguine color, the brush pens not so much!

While looking for another book, I came across this book by Christine Mason Miller that I had forgotten about. It's a pretty old book, and I don't know if it's still in publication or not, but I started looking through it, and it's got some good inspirational words, tips, and exercises in it. I have it laying by my recliner to pick up and read in randomly, and I'm planning to do some of the exercises. I could sure use some inspiration and motivation about now! You might want to check it out...

I have a sketch for yesterday done (day 23), but don't have it scanned in yet, so that will be in another post!

Try doing something every day for a month. It makes a difference! Take care and have fun!

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