Sunday, December 25, 2022

Vintage Toddler Photos and Christmas Photos of Moi

 Since it's Christmas I thought I'd share a few vintage selfies of myself! I am one year old in the first two, 1950. The little snowsuit was a hand me down. Notice there's no snow. I don't know that it was even cold, but I appear to be tickled to be wearing the suit! Ha! The one of me in the little overall shorts is one of my all time favorite photos of me. I want to try and paint it sometime!

These two are actually the same Christmas, and I'm maybe twelve, around 1961, and they are two of a handful of photos of me with a Christmas tree. I have none of me with Santa.

In the first photo I'm dressed up to go to the Christmas program at Praters Chapel church, where I tried to play the piano for them to sing Christmas songs. The second photo is Christmas morning, and I'm showing off my new books and fuzzy house shoes. Not sure what else I got that year. That's about as excited as I got about Christmas! Still is.

Anyway, looking through old photos is bittersweet. Lots of happy memories, but also lots of sadness. My mom passed away in 2017 and I have all of her photos. I still have not had the courage to go through them yet. But I will.

As one meme says, "Make lots of photos of family and friends, because one day that'll be all you have left." They will become one of your greatest treasures.

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