Monday, November 21, 2022

Paper Clay Bird with Detachable Mask

"Birdie in Boots" is NOT from the Come Clay with Me classes, except for her mask in the last photo. 

I've been working on Birdie, off and on, for a while, as I worked on the other little clay character faces. She was inspired by some birds I saw online and mostly from my imagination, as I had no idea what I was doing when I started sculpting her, which is obvious by her wonkiness, but I happen to love her wonkiness. I made many mistakes on her, but kept going. For instance, I should have used much stronger wires for her legs. It's hard to get her to stand alone, but it is what it is until I can figure something else out. 

I lost track of how many layers of marks, paint, and gold gel pen she has on her, but I'm calling her done and moving on. She taught me much that I can use on on the next bird!

I didn't get her head tilted back far enough for her mask to stay on by itself, so, for now, it's resting atop her head.

Birdie has been so much fun to create, even if she took a ton of patience and perseverence. Because she was such a challenge that I stayed with until she was finished, she has a piece of my heart and soul, and I see her as a treasure! 

This will probably be my last paper clay post for a while. I still have two classes with three three-dimensional figure busts, one with wings, one with feathers, and one with a container, to sculpt. I'm really looking forward to creating them, but it's going to take a while to sculpt them, and days for them to dry, then days to paint them, and the holidays are here. I don't know if I'll even get started on them before Christmas, or not. We'll see!

Meanwhile, I'll do some painting, sketching, and other things that are not as time consuming among Christmas cards, gift shopping, etc. Busy time for all of us!

Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoyed Birdie in Boots. We had quite a journey together! Stay well and try to get in some time to do something for you during this busy time of year. 

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