Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Fall 2022 Field Trip on the Farm

 A week or so ago hubby and I took a walk over the little hill behind our house to the old Stricklin homeplace. It had been a while and it was such a pretty fall day that we couldn't resist, and we needed the exercise and vitamin D. I took my camera and a walmart bag to pick up "treasures" in for my art, such as glass pieces, leaves, small limbs, small rocks, feathers, rusty pieces, etc. We only walked as far as the old rock roadbed behind the barn that leads to the old well. I had several things in my bag and several photos on my camera by the time we got back!

Bloomer Cat decided to go with us this trip! She is getting old, like us! We took it slow!

It's kind of hard to see here, but the top on half of daddy's old barn has fallen completely in. So sad.

Old oak tree by our house that lightening struck years ago that lead to its demise. I expect it to fall any time now, especially in hard winds.

Not sure, but I think these are morning glory leaves. I love the heart shapes in yellow!

Turning leaves behind our house...

A few close ups of parts of the rock road bed behind the old barn. They remind me of tiny landscapes.

The old rock roadbed behind the old barn that leads to the old well house. I love it!

Part of a fossil in the old roadbed that tapers out to a long keen tail. Some cousins got part of it years ago. Wonder what it was?

The oak tree about halfway between our house and the old home place where the gate used to be across the road.

Fall grasses and rocks behind the old barn. I love the reds and pinks in the feathery textured grass!!

Hedge apple tree behind the old barn. I love the shapes of these trees, but the hedgeapples do make a mess. The horses and cows we used to have loved to eat them!

Not showing up real good, but there's a lot of lichen on the loading chute fence. So pretty!

On the way back to our house, I couldn't resist a picture of this limb with pale green lichen and tiny pale yellow mushrooms.

Cathouse Condo that hubby built years ago in the back yard for some feral cats. The plank ramp has rotted off. He built two, but one has been gone a long time. I don't think it's been used in a while.

This, and the pic below, are where Papa's ancient oldsmobile sat abandoned my whole life until mama gave it to a cousin for scrap metal a few years ago. Broke my heart to see it hauled off. My cousins and I spent a lot of happy time playing in it as children!

The old corn crib, which I was always terrified of when growing up!

Barn end and loft. The ball of red twine with the sun on it caught my eye!


Old barn way over a hundred years old. Daddy added the plank enclosure after he bought the farm from my grandpa.

The old house 2022 Fall-Still a place of peace and solace to me. Has always been my "go to" place when something was bothering me. I can no longer go out there anytime I want to though. I'm thankful I can do what I can do, but my body is wearing out and is not as strong as it once was. It makes me sad to think that any time now will be my last time to go out there and just "be".

The well in our back yard that daddy had dug maybe 25 years ago hoping to hit water, but it had very little in it. The well bucket and pulley have hung there all this time, because it brings back memories of pulling up water at my grandparents' houses to fill their water buckets for drinking, washing dishes, cooking, and bathing. Good memories!

I should have made a picture of the "treasures" I brought back, but I didn't think to. I always pick up nature stuff, but this time I was gathering up for the new mixed media class I signed up for, The Magpie's Nest. I needed some small branches for making my own brushes with grass, feathers, twine, raffia, etc, and other "bits and bobs" to incorporate into the journal pages. I will do a post of these when I get everything corralled together to get started. First, I have to clean off a place to start! Ha!

I know I make pictures of a lot of the same things every trip, but I've made countless trips between my parents house, and later our house when I married, out to the old homeplace during my 73 years on this earth, both when my grandparents lived out there and since. So it all has special meaning for me. Also, everything looks different every trip as nature changes and ages everything daily and we're all slowly disappearing. It's the way of life.

Nature and creativity go hand in hand and are good for our souls! Keep making stuff!

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