Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Sketchbook Pages

 Some more sketchbook antics that I've done over the last few days in between playing with my paper clay. Still trying to sketch at least one something in different media every day. I do miss some days, but I try...

Some sketches for a clay bird human inspired by Jeanne Marie Webb and Jen Rizzo's classes. I think this was done with an erasable Frixion blue pen.

I don't get along well with charcoal, although I love the look and feel of it, but I still like to try it every once in a while. I also used a white charcoal pencil and a black gel pen.

A couple of sketches in pen inspired by Lucy Cooke, a list of what I did to my clay characters for a couple of days, and a new abstract work in progress started with a couple of sessions of leftover paint.

Faces in ink pen, an angel head in shadow, notes, and mini mask designs inspired from Pinterest, and studies for the last three classes of my clay class.

Studies in erasable ink pen for designs and colors for the clay beings, for the Come Clay with Me class, and bird that I'm working on now, a reminder of a big gorgeous glass button that I saw in the Walmart craft department the other day, and a few notes.

Sketchbooks and a variety of pens, charcoal, pencils, paints, markers, etc. are fun and handy for keeping up with drawing practice and writing, as well as, ideas for future projects that you want to hold on to. I keep my Kindle reader and a sketchbook in my purse all the time for those times I'm having to sit in waiting rooms or wait in the car for hubby. It's a good habit/hobby to get in to, and it's always fun to look back through old sketchbooks and find old treasures I forgot about!

Keep creating whatever you enjoy doing, even if other people don't get it, YOUR soul appreciates it! Thank you so much for visiting!

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