Saturday, December 28, 2019

21st Stitch Meditation

Hope you all had a wonderful and safe Christmas! We had a good one at our niece's home, with our brother-in-law, our niece and nephew and their families! Santa was very good to us, but the most important thing was that we were all well, nobody was sick (well, I had a slight cold) or in the hospital or funeral home, and we were all together, except for one great-nephew and a couple of the girlfriends, so we were blessed to have another Christmas together. Thankful!

So this is #21, and it was done in several sessions the week before Christmas, plus one session yesterday when I added the yellow stitches and called it done. Lots of stitches! Can we say stressed?

It was longer on one side when I started stitching, so I trimmed it. Unfortunately, I didn't use a ruler and trimmed it too much, making it more triangle, which I couldn't cope with, so I added the strips of white satin to the top and bottom to square it up, while giving the textures some contrast. It seems to work? It's approximately five inches square.

I recycled a piece of orange batik from a fat quarter for the base, a wide piece of pale blue-gray lace from a gown, snippets of white satin from my cousin's wedding dress that her granny made, floral cotton from an old blouse, and red crochet cotton and yellow DMC embroidery threads from mine and my mom's stash, with lots of mindful stitches and thoughts on this piece. Not one of my favorites from the pieces I've done, but it has meaning for me!

These little meditations are great ways to relieve stress and get out frustrations!

This may, or may not, be the last stitched piece of the year. We will see. I still have a few end of the year things that I want to finish before New Year's, so that I can include them in my blog book for this year!

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