Sunday, December 24, 2017

My First Original Art Calendar 2018

I got the idea to see what a calendar with my original artwork would look like this year, so I went to Vistaprint online, who happened to be having a half price sale on their calendars. I made new photos of some of my old and new artwork, favorite paintings that were handy, with as high a millimeter as I could get with my camera, which is 7.

I picked the calendar elements that I liked, placed my photos where I wanted them, added a caption, and placed my order. I was only going to order one to see what it would look like, but I decided to order ten to use as Christmas cards for part of my list. I figured they couldn't look that bad.

When they came, I was impressed with the quality and the look of the calendars, so I ordered ten more to give. I had to mail thirteen of them, but they all got to their destinations intact, and the recipients seemed pleased, which makes me happy.

The pictures I made of the calendar months/captions are not real good. I didn't take the time to get them just right, but here are the calendar pictures after it was done. Of course, the bottom half has the weeks and days with blocks to write in.














Back Cover

I love my first art calendar, and my mind is already working on things for next Christmas! I hope those that received one instead of a card this year enjoy theirs as much as I am mine! Such fun!


peggy gatto said...

it is just beautiful and a wonderful mix of months! I also made my first calendar using vista print! Hppy with the quality!

Sharon P Pope said...
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