Saturday, December 31, 2016

Doodle Canvas/Monoprint

Today is New Year's Eve, and since I want some of my drafts for posts of work in progress projects included in my printed book, I'm going to try to include as many as I can today, so they will be dated 2016.

There are a few that I, for sure, want included, but there are some that it doesn't matter, so let's see how many I can post today. Here we go!😎

The painting on the left is on paper, but I don't remember what kind, as it's been a while since I did it. I did a monoprint of colors on it, then dripped india ink and let it run. I will eventually add more to it. The canvas on the right is where I doodled with various acrylic paints and ink, marks, drips, runs, etc., just playing and experimenting.

Same canvas in both pictures, but I'm still playing and manipulating stuff, trying to pull out images.

For some reason, I decided the canvas wasn't working like I wanted it to and covered the whole thing in modeling paste, giving it lots of texture, drew into it with a bamboo skewer stick, and changed the color palette. I kind of wish I'd left it as it was in the first couple of pictures, but I didn't, so here it is, as it is for now, still waiting to be finished.

I have so many unfinished paintings and projects that it's not even funny. I'm much braver about starting them than finishing them, I'm afraid.

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