Saturday, December 31, 2016

Bunny Mojo Ptg

This large painting on 18" x 24" mixed media paper was inspired by Tracy Verdugo and her book, Mojo Painting.

 I just started smearing acrylic paint around with my hands and fingers...

added more acrylic paint colors, shapes, and marks with various tools and brushes that I had laying nearby, and I added the rabbit face and ears, because I saw him right away in the first layer of paint...

more layers of paint, marks, colors, some stamping and stenciling, etc....

images are appearing. I decided to paint around the images, letting previous layers peek through...

and this is where it's been for several months now. Not liking it all! Trying to decide whether to keep working on it or cut it  up to use in other projects. Either way, it was fun to play on! If I keep working on it I'll share it when it's done!

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