Thursday, April 3, 2014

Study of Georgia O'Keefe Lily 2-Masters Class-Week 5

A sketch in my mixed media journal for a study of Georgia O'Keefe's white Calla Lily painting. I brushed a layer of clear gesso, for texture, over the drawing. Hers was oil on canvas, I think (sorry I had already deleted her version). Mine is in acrylics on paper...

A wash of indigo blue acrylic...

adding under painting, letting dry between layers...

more layers of  acrylic paint and glazes...

Final version, notes and all! I love calla lillies, and I love how the swirl around the flower mimiced the lily itself. You can find her version of this painting on Pinterest. Just go there and type in Georgia O'Keefe calla lily paintings. She is an amazing woman and an amazing painter!

I have two more of her paintings sketched off to study, but for now, I'm moving on to the next artist we're studying. I will come back to these studies later!

None of these studies are as easy as the original paintings look. In reality, they're all very complicated and took a long time to complete. I am discovering so much more than just what I see when I look at the painting. There is a whole new world in the studying of the process of each one that teaches me so much about so many things. Studying with an apprentice is awesome!

This class will be up for two years and is still open for registration. Any one of the classes is worth the $62.00 charge for all nine of them. If you're interested, go to and click on "Studying With The Masters; Becoming an Apprentice" in the courses list. You can find out the details and the list of teachers and masters there. You can't help but learn a lot of good stuff from both! :)

I discovered and joined a wonderful group on Facebook, called Art Abandonment, this week. It's awesome! The members create art and abandon it in places where it can be found by some unsuspecting person, whose day will hopefully be brightened by it. The art, which can be any art or craft, is left with a tag, specifying that it is free to whoever finds it, and they can take it or leave it for someone else. There's also an email addy where they can let you know it has been found. Members post pictures of the art and where they left it. I haven't abandoned anything yet, but I'm looking forward to it! It's an amazing group of people!

I'm also reading my third book by Danielle Girard, Ruthless Games, which is very good. She writes about female protagonists, who are cops, and very strong women, caught up in murder mysteries and drama with a lot of twists and turns. I think she's a very good writer, and so far, I have been hooked from the very first page and have found it hard to put the books down. I got the first one for my Kindle free on Amazon, then the others have been about $3.00.

Plus, I hadn't downloaded any new music in a while, so the other day I was feeling a little blah, and I downloaded cds by Michael Grimm, "Moment in Time", John Mayer, "Paradise Valley", and Cher, "Closer to the Truth". All good! I meant to download Dana Fuchs, "Bliss Avenue", but forgot to at the time. I'll get her next time! Amazing rock artist!

A little bit of what I've been doing, besides working on the Masters painting studies of Botticelli and Francoise de Felice, and I haven't watched the videos of the last two classes on Edward Hopper and Henry Clive yet! Can't wait to watch them, but I want to wait until I get at least one painting each from the other two done. I find each artist I study influencing my work on the next one. Fun, and some amazing work being done by the other students! Can you tell I'm excited about this class? :D

Also sharing this post at Paint Party Friday, Creative Every Day, and Moxie Rabbit Hop Blues (FB page). See links on sidebar! Happy creating!


Valerie-Jael said...

Very impressive Sharon! Valerie

Annette G said...

I love all of her work, she is so inspiring. Your Calla Lily is beautiful. Happy PPF, Annette x

Unknown said...

wow, what a painter to study. Job well done!

Fran said...

The calla lily is beautiful. Especially the soft monotone and swirl pattern.

Annabelle said...

You have done a great job with the lily. The swirl in soft blues is wonderful.
Annabelle : )

Tracey FK said...

I love calla Lillie's as well... And painting them is always a joy... Something about the swirling shapes... Have you seen the Joan Allen movie about Georgia O'Keefe... It is worth watching

DVArtist said...

Very nicely done. Georgia is one of my favorite artists. Her art is complicated so this is a great task.
Good luck.