The last three days sketches for March! All are with my Zig Writer double ended marker.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Days #4, 5, 6 Sketches 2025 March
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Days 1, 2, 3 Sketches 2025 March
I'm still trying to keep up a sketch a day, besides my stitch meditations, and postings. These are the first three sketches for March, even though I mistakenly wrote February on the first page. My eyes are very much needing a rest, so this post will be short, I think.
100 Days of Stitch Meditations #7, 8, 9/100
I'm still stitching one a day, but I got behind on the posting! Here are the ones for the last three days. I haven't done today's yet...
#9/100-The background, the roses, and the yellow floral scraps are leftovers from fat quarter projects, the back scrap is a newsprint fabric with a tea dyed and stamped cotton scrap on top, words are from fabric with print words on it, and the biggest scrap is a piece of rust dyed cheese cloth. The pink stitches are embroidery thread and the gold ones are Perle cotton.
I finally got around to going through two big plastic boxes of my mom's sewing stuff yesterday. She died in 2017. One is full of all kind of fabric, scraps, and cut out projects that she was planning to do at some point. The other box is full of chair covers and curtains, all pressed and neatly folded, some look brand new. I can't keep all of it. I'm old too now and needing to get rid of a lot of stuff of my own. I don't have any siblings or children to take it, so I will donate what is still good that I won't use and keep what I think I might use.
It's very hard to go through your parents things. I have all of her jewelry and linens and papers with me, but I'm still periodically sorting through things still in the home where I grew up. So many memories rise up, and so much sadness. I miss them so very much.
Anyway, I'm getting myself depressed, it's coming up a storm, and I need to do one more post and my therapy before I do today's stitches and sketch. Never a dull minute!
Take care and do something fun for yourself every day!
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Days 25,26,27,28 Sketches 2025 Feb
I did it! I did a sketch of some kind every single day of February! Perfectly imperfect, but still good practice, plus for the last six days I've done a stitch meditation each day in addition to my sketches. Yay, me!
Day 28: These mini bird houses were a Christmas gift from our niece many years ago for me to paint, but I don't like to paint wood stuff that much, so I never got around to painting them. They have been sitting in our bedroom all this time, so I've sketched them sitting atop a couple of books, and today I gave the little houses to one of my oldest and dearest friends, who loves to craft and paints everything. She was tickled to death with them and couldn't wait to paint them!
She is forever bringing us something to eat or something she's made, and I'm trying to get rid of some stuff, so I also gave her two old grapevine wreaths from my mom's funeral eight years ago that I was tired of (she wants to make an Easter wreath), some cotton fabric strips, a couple of rolls of ribbon, and a rabbit with vegetables soup tureen that a cousin gave me many years ago. The tureen had served its purpose here, and she decorates for Easter, so she loved it and has already put it to use in her home.
I felt a sense of accomplishment at a bit of decluttering, and I gave her a bit of joy for today, so it was a good day, and I'm thankful to have her in my life!
February has come and gone. Now to see if I can keep up the daily sketching and stitching during March! Wish me luck!
Doing something that makes me happy! It only takes a few minutes, some scraps and thread, and a pen and paper!
100 Days of Stitch Meditations 2025-#6/100
100 days of stitch meditations 2025
Background fabric with print on it and feather fabric are fat quarter scraps, and the reddish motif strip is from an old kitchen curtain. Perle cotton gray thread
The fabric has faith, hope, and love written all over it, but I couldn't get a square with all of the words on it, but I did get faith and hope, even if a snippet of it is cut off!
Most of the participants in the FB group are writing about what they were meditating on while they were stitching or what the pieces mean, but I don't often know what they mean at the time. I just choose the fabric scraps that speak to me before I start stitching with the thread color, stitch it, and put it down. When I look back on it later, the meaning often reveals itself to me.
I haven't started today's yet, and I have another short blog post to do, plus a sketch, so I'm going for now, but I'll be back if nothing happens! Only 94 more to go! 😀
Take care!
Friday, February 28, 2025
100 Days of Stitch Meditations 2025-#5/100
100 Days of Stitch Meditations
This one is a 4"x4" background of newsprint fabric, with pink and red scraps from old blouses, a tea dyed and stamped cotton scrap, an orange dotted scrap from a fat quarter piece, and a cat cut from an old ironing board cover. The words are cut from a cotton fabric with words printed on it. Perle cotton threads.
I have started this, but I don't know how long I will be able to keep up. My eyes are really bothering me today. I'm still not seeing too well, especially from my left eye, which has the bleeding blood vessel in it hampering my vision in that eye. I'm due to get another shot in my eye March 13th. I think the first one has helped some. Doc said it might take a few shots, spaced out, to clear it up. I'd rather do that than have surgery anyday.
I was tempted to skip my sketch for today, but then I thought about it being the last day of February, and if I do one today I won't have missed a single day for this month, so I will do that at some point, in between, bed stripping, laundry, and therapy!
Never a dull moment on Rabbit Hop! Beautiful cold day with tons of stuff that needs doing!
Make time for the things you love!
Thursday, February 27, 2025
100 Days of Stitch Meditations Challenge 2025-#4/100
The blue striped fabric and the coral diamond are from discarded clothing, blue/roses and blue/purple are from fat quarter scraps, and I bought the doily at Hobby Lobby, I think. Turquoise perle cotton thread
Studying with the Masters class-Botticelli with Jenny Wentworth---Botticelli's version of a head taken from a group painting, a stu...
Studying Henry Clive under Christy Tomlinson in the Studying With the Masters Class: This was supposed to be week 7, but something cam...
My second attempt at a Matisse painting in the Studying With the Masters e-course (link on sidebar). This one is "The Mauve Bolero...