Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023


Just wanted to wish all of you who celebrate a safe and happy weekend with family and friends! We all have so much to be thankful for, even if we think we don't.

Hubby and I had our Thanksgiving get together with his niece and nephew and their families last Sunday at our great-niece's home. We now have 2 and 4 yr old great-great-nieces, who keep us all entertained, which is an added blessing.

Hubby always cooks the turkey and ham, and he had bad luck with his turkey this time. When he opened it to put it in the oven, it was ruined. Had to have been ruined when we bought it. He was so disappointed. He cooked a big ham and we made a fast trip to a nearby town for KFC chicken, always a hit! We couldn't miss the food that had been eaten, there was so much food there. Someone made a delicious crumble apple pie. I only ate a couple of bites, because I'm diabetic, but I'm still craving more of it! I think they are all still eating leftovers!

Afterwards we stopped by to see our great-nephew's new, to him, house trailer, which is being set up in preparation for he and his fiancĂ© to live in after they are married in March 2024. Very nice! They have plans to build a house at some point.

Then we drove around until we found his brother's new, to him, house and saw where he lives now. Very pretty from the outside, as I'm sure it is inside. He wasn't home yet.

They all live about a half hour from us in the neighboring town, and afterwards we enjoyed the trip home with smiles and full bellies. It was a good afternoon!

Anyway, it was good to see our family, which gets bigger by the year. We had good food and great company for a while. Grateful that they still include us oldsters!

Not sure what we will do today, but even if we do nothing, we are thankful, at our ages, to still be together; able to share the day and just be together!

Our life is not perfect, but we still have so much to be thankful for. In fact, I may just make a list of things I am grateful for today, and everyday. After all, today is a day of giving thanks! 

1 comment:

peggy gatto said...

Happy Thanksgiving !!!