Saturday, December 14, 2019

Mama's Vintage Pillow Case Box

Remember when pillowcases came in beautiful boxes? Well, most of you can't, but they did!

I am an only child, so I inherited everything from my parents when my mom passed in 2017. I have yet to go through many of their things, because it's very painful, but in going through mama's linens last year, I found this box with the pillowcases still packaged inside, exactly as they were, I'm sure, when given to her at her bridal shower in 1949.

The box inside was not in good shape, and the pillowcases needed washing badly (age spots, yellowed, cellophane torn and brittle) and gently. They were white cases with hot pink, elegantly monogrammed, embroidery, "Mr. and Mrs.", on them.

I wish I had made a picture of them before taking them out of the box and washing them, but I didn't.  I LOVE the soft pink and green colors on this box lid! So dainty and delicate! I love vintage things, and they don't make things pretty like this anymore.

There was also another box, same age, but just plain, and dilapidated, with white pillowcases monogrammed "His and Hers" in royal blue. I didn't make a picture of those either, but they are beautiful too, despite the yellowing and age spots that wouldn't come out.

Both boxes, as well as some other items, must have been very special to her, to have kept them as they were all those years. People don't keep stuff like that anymore either. I'm also sentimental about things and have kept a lot over the years. I have no children to leave it to, so when I'm gone, it will mean nothing to whoever comes after me, and will more than likely be trashed. Sad. Our memories mean nothing to anybody else. They have their own.

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