Friday, December 13, 2019

Class 10 PYH&S 2018 - Two Sides of Me- Double Portrait

Unfortunately, I, like many of you, tend to start classes that I don't get finished too.  No matter how fun they are, or how much I'm learning in one teacher's classes, I get sidetracked onto another and have several going at once. Inevitably, one gets pushed to the side for another, until I can get back to them, which rarely happens. I have actually finished a few, but have more that are still in progress.

The next three posts are from the classes with various teachers in Paint Your Heart and Soul 2018 with Olga Furman (see link on sidebar), which is wonderful and is new every year. I had so many online classes in progress in 2018, none of which I have finished yet, that I have refused to let myself sign up for any the whole year of 2019, no matter how tempted I was. There are so many awesome teachers and classes out there, and a couple of them I might have given in to, but they were out of my price range.

Anyway, this lesson is in painting with oils with cold wax with Lucy Chen, which I got almost completed in my large mixed media sketchbook. There are about 24 classes in the course, and I worked on one while another was drying. The subject for this class with Lucy is the two sides of myself, one happy, confident, etc., and the other the opposite of that. The don't necessarily have to  look like me, and they don't, just kind of the gist of me.

Pencil sketches looking for ideas in a different sketch book...

Still searching for an idea that clicks...

Found one, sketched it onto the mixed media paper and started laying on layers of oil mixed with cold wax and adding textures. I have to say that the smell of the oil and wax did not do my allergies any good, but I kept going, glad that this is a small painting!

I only lack the finishing touches and a few details here, and this is where it has been for over a year now. I love the effect of the oil and cold wax, and it's fun to paint with, and I like this painting, so I do plan to go back and finish it, as soon as I uncover the supplies I need from the chaos of my studio/dining room, and with better ventilation (maybe even outside) next time.

I don't take classes to copy the instructor's style or technique, but to learn new ways of doing things that I can work into my own style of painting and creating. Besides, I couldn't copy them, even if I wanted to. I learn by trying it, then using what I can remember and need to do my own thing. I love the doing of it!

Do a little bit of something you love every day. You'll be better for it! 😊

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