Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Study of Chagall Blue Donkey 1-Masters Class-Week 6

I forgot to take some of the progress pictures, including the sketch, on my study of Chagall's "The Blue Donkey". I also forgot and deleted Chagall's version that I studied, but you can see it on Pinterest if you want. It's MUCH better than my version! Also, his was oil on canvas, I think, and mine is acrylics in my mixed medial journal.

I studied Marc Chagall under Katie Kendrick.

I chose this painting to study, because we actually have a donkey. His name is Doris, and he's very entertaining and cute! This painting reminds me of him, plus, I love blue animals!

I sketched it on the paper first, painted it all indigo blue, and layed in some under painting colors...

More layers of color and texture...

I finally quit on it. This is the journal page with notes...

A little closer up. The sky and water actually has a pinker tone, which doesn't show up in the photo. Anyway, it was a fun challenge, and it WAS a challenge. His story is also very interesting, as are all the other Masters' stories.

I have a couple of other Chagall's sketched off to study, but, for now, I'm moving on to Francoise de Felice, who is also very challenging, but her paintings are beautiful.

The paintings from this class that I have shared here have actually been finished for a few weeks, as the classes ran from mid-Jan through mid-March, one a week. The Chagall is the last one that I have finished, but I still have the Botticelli and de Felice in progress, and I haven't started the last two artists yet, so from here on they will probably be out of order, as far as the class order, and there may be some other stuff mixed in between, as I continue to work on unrelated projects also.

Here are the Botticelli and de Felice that I have in progress:

After Botticelli WIP
After Francoise de Felice WIP

Hope you enjoyed your visit! Please come again soon, and Have a happy creative day! :)

Also sharing on Paint Party Friday and Creative Every Day, links on sidebar.


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful work! Valerie

AnnD said...

I'm so impressed that you're doing master studies! I feel like that's an important and incredibly valuable thing to do . . . but it intimidates me! How are you finding it? Are you learning a lot?

That Botticelli WIP is amazing!

Giggles said...

Wonderful work...!

Hugs Giggles

Laila said...

I think you're doing great. Love the idea of studying the old masters. Perhaps something to try for me as well.

Annabelle said...

Hi Sharon,
Your work on the masters is intriguing and inspiring. Love what you did with the donkey, the colours are perfect and the Botticelli Venus is simply beautiful, love her eyes.

Annabelle : )

Annette G said...

loving your great works. Happy PPF, Annette x


bellefrogworks said...

Chagall is fun to work with - I love the blue donkey. I am way further behind than you are - but I love this class and work on it as I can.

Janet Ghio said...

Love your blue donkey and your other WIP's. Don't you just love these classes!